If you're a full-time college student pursuing a degree in industrial hygiene or occupational and environmental health and safety, you can easily become a student member. Just confirm your student status with a faculty advisor, transcript, or similar documentation, both initially and annually upon request.

Even part-time students taking at least one-half the required credit hours for full-time status can join us as student members with the same documentation. While you won't have voting privileges on association matters, you can actively participate in committees.

AIHA has fantastic benefits for students like you. We provide a supportive community, career guidance, volunteer opportunities, and access to industry knowledge—all without any extra administrative fees or additional costs to engage in our 60+ technical and professional development groups. Join us today to make the most of your academic journey!

Begin your Student Membership Journey Now. Printable Form.

Benefits & Value of Membership


Please visit Membership Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or contact the Member Services team at [email protected] or call (703) 849-8888.​​​

AIHA Code of Conduct Acknowledgment​

This document outlines the Code of Conduct for all members and volunteers of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA). It summarizes the behavior expected of members and volunteers representing AIHA in any forum, mailing list, public meetings or private correspondence. We ask that our members and volunteers read and submit the acknowledgment via the online form.


AIHA dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes but may be partially deductible as a business expense. Dues are not refundable. AIHA estimates that 9% of your dues are not deductible because of AIHA's lobbying activities on behalf of its members. AIHF and AGF are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Contributions to either may be tax-deductible. Consult your tax advisor.​​

Please note... membership dues are not refundable.