Training Resources
- Accessing Free IH Statistical Analysis Tools (Word Document)
- Data Interpretation Test Handouts (DIT 1 and DIT 2) (PowerPoint File)
- Exposure Judgement Survey (Word Document)
- Examples with Solutions (PowerPoint File)
- Steps in Data Analysis and Interpretation (Word Document)
- Useful Reference List (Word Document)
- Group Exercise Workshop Scenarios (PowerPoint File)
- PowerPoint Slides (PowerPoint File)
Course Topical Outline
- Introduction: Why Important?
- Class Exercise: Data Interpretation Test 1
- Improving Quantitative Judgments When we have data. . .
- Rules of Thumb - Interpreting Lognormally Distributed Data
- Class Exercise: Data Interpretation Test 2
- Exposure Risk Decisions: Traditional Statistics
- A Few Words About Handling Censored Data . . .
- Exposure Risk Decisions: Bayesian Statistics
- Bayesian Decision Analysis (BDA)
- Bayesian Approach To IH Data Analysis
- Parameter Space
- Interpreting BDA Charts
- Examples
- Censored Data
- The Tools . . . IHDA-AIHA
- The Tools . . . Expostats
- Priors/Parameter Space: IHDA-AIHA vs. Expostats
- Watch the Universe – GSD and Parameter Space Verification in IHDA-AIHA
- Small Group Exercises
- BDA Potential: Integrating Professional Judgment - The Promise and Perils of Bayesian Priors!
- Risk Communication
- IH Quality Control Processes: Accurate Exposure Risk Decisions
- Key Resources