Best Student Poster Award Recipients Honored During AIHce EXP
AIHA’s Safety Committee honored A. Malik, M. Akram, and A. Ali, students from the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of the Punjab in Pakistan, with this year’s Best Student Poster Award at AIHce EXP 2020. The committee presents this award annually to recognize the best student poster at the conference based on a topic related to safety. Malik, Akram, and Ali, the 2020 award recipients, received a ribbon and an honorarium for their poster, “Correlation Between Shift Work, Sleep, and Fatigue and Increased Occupational Injuries in a Manufacturing Plant in Pakistan.” This poster was selected by a panel of judges based on its quality and connection to both safety and industrial hygiene. It can be viewed as a PDF on AIHA’s website.
Visit the AIHA website for more information on the Safety Committee.