European Chemicals Agency to Assess Potential Exposure Limits for Isoprene
The European Chemicals Agency seeks evidence related to the scientific evaluation of occupational exposure limits for isoprene, a monomer used for the polymerization of elastomers. According to ECHA, the European Commission has tasked the agency with evaluating exposure to isoprene to assess the option of an airborne occupational exposure limit, other limit values such as biological limit values and biological guidance values, and notations. ECHA intends to use the information it gathers on uses, exposure, health effects, toxicology, epidemiology, and modes of action of isoprene to help the agency draft a report related to exposure limits for isoprene in the workplace. ECHA’s call for evidence provides stakeholders an opportunity to express their views and concerns while the agency is in the early phases of developing its scientific report on OELs for isoprene. The deadline for comments is July 13, 2021.
ECHA’s Committee for Risk Assessment provides opinions on OELs under the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive, which sets maximum concentrations for cancer-causing chemicals in workplace air, and the Chemical Agents Directive, which covers risks related to chemical agents at work. A table on the agency’s website summarizes ECHA’s work related to OELs.
More information about isoprene is available from PubChem, a chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health.