March 24, 2022

JOEH Issues Call for Studies of Real-Time Detection Systems

The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene seeks studies of real-time detection systems for an upcoming special issue. Among the topics of interest are the utility of low-cost sensor systems, wearable technology, the benefits of system installations, and the ethical and legal hurdles to implementation. The call for submissions states that studies exploring whether low-cost sensors can be used to make decisions about worker exposures, potential corrections for sensor drift, the number of sensors to be deployed, and how to process the data generated by a network of sensors are relevant to the concerns of practitioners. Researchers who are investigating these and other questions regarding real-time detection systems are asked to confirm their intent to submit for the special issue by emailing JOEH Editor-in-Chief T. Renee Anthony by June 1. The submission deadline for the special issue is July 1.

Manuscripts should be submitted using the JOEH manuscript guidance (PDF). The study’s research question and objective should be clearly stated. Authors are encouraged to include recommendations for practitioners as well as implications for promoting “practice to research to practice,” where appropriate, at the end of the manuscript.

Review of submitted manuscripts for the special issue on real-time detection systems is expected to be completed by November for publication by January 2023.