3M Posts Advisory for Versaflo V-Series Air Control Valves
When operated according to the pressure schedule in its user instructions, 3M Versaflo V-Series air control valves can exceed the maximum airflow required by the NIOSH respiratory protection standard for supplied air respirators, according to a notice published by the company. The NIOSH standard, 42 Code of Federal Regulations Part 84 Subpart J, specifies that the maximum airflow rate for Type C supplied-air respirators should not exceed 15 cubic feet per minute (CFM). A new pressure schedule for 3M part numbers V-300 and V-350 specifies a supply pressure range of 33–47 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) when used with a 125–200-foot hose and 38–58 psig when used with a 225–300-foot hose.
3M states that while operating at the upper end of the pressure schedule in the user instructions does not present a risk to health and safety, it is outside the range of compliance with the NIOSH standard, and that the new pressure schedule should be followed immediately. For more information, read the advisory notice on the 3M website (PDF).
User notices issued by respirator manufacturers are collected on the NIOSH website.