IH Monitoring of PFAS Available for Companies as Part of NIOSH Research Study
Researchers at NIOSH are recruiting companies for “Occupational Exposure and Health Indicator Assessment of PFAS: A Feasibility Study,” a new research study that seeks to measure exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in settings like manufacturing facilities (such as textile, rubber, or semiconductor manufacturing) and the service sector (such as incineration, stain resistance coating application, cleaning, and more). According to NIOSH, companies participating in the PFAS study will benefit from better understanding of exposure at their facilities compared to other companies and industries; be able to access other exposure assessment services or expertise from NIOSH; and proactively engage in conversation with employees around health and safety topics.
Companies that manufacture or use PFAS-containing products are eligible to participate in the study. NIOSH researchers will visit each company for three to five days to enroll workers who want to volunteer their participation. The agency will collect personal and area workplace air samples as well as biological samples (blood and urine) from workers and analyze them for a wide range of PFAS, as well as indicators of health. Participating workers will also be asked to complete a short survey about demographic, work history, and other factors necessary to understand sample results. Individual participants will receive their personal results for all analyses, while companies will receive summary results.
Interested companies are encouraged to email the primary investigator, Miriam Calkins, PhD, and the study team or call (513) 841-4216.