March 28, 2024

CDC Highlights Opportunity to Join NIOSH’s Board of Scientific Counselors

CDC seeks nominations for individuals to serve on the NIOSH Board of Scientific Counselors starting in 2025. The BSC advises the director of NIOSH on occupational health and safety research and prevention programs, and provides input on current needs in the OHS field, standards of scientific excellence, and the applicability and dissemination of research findings.

The BSC comprises 15 members who are experts in fields related to OHS such as occupational medicine, occupational nursing, industrial hygiene, occupational safety and health engineering, toxicology, chemistry, safety and health education, ergonomics, and epidemiology. According to the Federal Register, nominees will be selected based on their expertise, and individuals selected to join the BSC may be invited to serve for up to four years.

Nominations are due by April 17. To learn more about the nomination process, see the Federal Register notice.