Ergonomics Committee

Scope of Work

Ergonomics is the practice of designing the job for the human to ensure occupational safety, productivity, and job satisfaction. Members of the committee develop, assemble, evaluate, and disseminate relevant information to occupational and environmental health professionals on human physiological and psychological capabilities to perform work without injury and to actively anticipate, identify and respond to human factors issues in the workplace.

    Goals and Objectives

    1. Membership Diversity

        Provides a forum to network with peers and technical experts, contributing to the advancement of ergonomics. Members include students, young professionals, and representatives from academia, government, consulting, and business organizations.

        2. Advocacy and Influence

        Leads and participates in developing standards and guidelines with organizations such as OSHA, NIOSH, ANSI, ISO, and ANA. Develops and recommends positions to the AIHA Board. Publications include AIHA Ergonomics Assessment Toolkit, An Ergonomics Guide to Computer Workstations, Manual Material Handling, Cumulative Trauma Disorders of the Hand and Wrist, Physical Strength Assessment in Ergonomics - An Ergonomics Guide, The Facts About Ergonomics: Dispelling Myths Position Statement, Safe Handling, and Mobility of Patients and Residents Position Statement.

        3. Outreach

        Initiate and sustain activities to encourage health and safety professionals to develop skills in identifying and preventing ergonomic problems.

        4. Operational Excellence

        Dedicated to providing education and training on ergonomics and works to influence the direction of ergonomics research and education. The Committee is a recognized source of science-based information and is committed to outreach to future professionals, the existing AIHA membership, and the general public.

          Current Projects

          • Translating the AIHA Ergonomics Assessment Toolkit into other Languages.
          • White Paper: Identifying and Preventing Exposure Hazards among Home Healthcare Workers.
          • White Paper: Safe Handling and Mobility of Patients and Residents.
          • Webinar: Exoskeleton Use.
          • Rewrite and update of the Ergonomics Chapter in the AIHA White Book.

          Products Produced by the Group

          • COVID-19 Work at Home Ergonomics Guidance Video Series (collaboration with HFES).
          • Exoskeleton White Paper.
          • AIHA Ergonomics Assessment Tool Kit.
          • AIHA Publication: An Ergonomics Guide to Computer Workstations, 3rd edition.


          • AIHA Outstanding Volunteer Group (2009-2022)
          • Awarded AIHA Shining Star Volunteer Group Award (2019, 2013) and Soaring Star Award (2020).

          Collaboration Efforts

          • Ergonomics Assessment Toolkit – a collaboration with NIOSH and HFES.
          • Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Standards document – a collaboration with ANA.
          • Ergonomics for Mass Fatality Handling of the Deceased – collaboration with NIOSH and the NYC Health Department.
          • Industrial Hygiene and Disabled Workers – a collaboration with the AIHA Social Concerns Committee.
          • NIOSH National Occupational Research Agenda for Musculoskeletal Health Council.
          • NIOSH National Occupational Research Agenda for Total Worker Health Council.

          Group Dynamics

          We are a multidisciplinary mix of students and professionals in industrial hygiene, human factors, physical therapy, and engineering, representing the diverse interests of industry, academia, government/military, and consulting. We are constantly juggling multiple projects across the spectrum of academic research to everyday practice. You are welcome to join existing teams or projects, as well as to create new ones.

          Qualifications to Join

          Committee members must be an AIHA member in good standing. If you are interested in learning more about membership, please visit




            Chaffin Award

            By encouraging conference participation and recognizing excellence in the field of ergonomics, the AIHA Ergonomics Committee presents the Chaffin Award for the best ergonomic-related technical session at AIHce EXP. Established in 2008, the award honors Dr. Donald B. Chaffin's many contributions to the field of ergonomics and AIHA. This year's recipient is Ryan Butler, CIH, CSP for Whole-Body Vibration Exposure Onboard Coast Guard Small Boats.

            Ryan Butler Headshot
            Ryan Butler