Scope of Work
The volunteer group has membership from research, clinical, commercial, and teaching laboratories.
Goals and Objectives
Assemble, evaluate, and disseminate to professional industrial hygienists and occupational and environmental health professionals information relevant to academic, research and development, medical, and diagnostic facilities, collectively referred to as laboratories.
Develop and provide information resources to aid in preventing, identifying, and controlling potential exposures to chemical, biological, ergonomic, ionizing non-ionizing radiation, and physical hazards in laboratories.
Identify, evaluate, and comment on proposed legislation, regulations, standards, and prudent industrial hygiene practices affecting laboratories.
Identify and establish liaisons with other AIHA committees and professional organizations addressing laboratories' industrial hygiene-related issues.
Current Projects
Synergist Article Series: Best LabsPublication: Local Exhaust Design, Maintenance, and Evaluation Lessons Learned Webpage RevitalizationLocal Exhaust Design, Maintenance, and EvaluationANSI Z9.5 inputLab Ventilation Risk Assessment Tool Common Fume Hood Airflow Devices Benchmark
Products Produced by the Group
- Covid Resources Laboratories Reopening GuidelinesAIHA Lab Safety in Schools PowerPoint resource (2019)
- Outstanding Volunteer Group for (2022, 2021, 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008)
Collaboration Efforts
ANSI Z9.5 participation ASHRAE 110 Laboratory Ventilation participationCSHEMA liaiseACS liaise
Group Dynamics
The LHSC is a recognized model for operational excellence within the AIHA driven by a diverse group of dedicated and energized professionals encompassing the broad demographics of health and safety activities in the research, clinical, commercial, and teaching laboratory. The Committee is actively engaged in advocacy within the Association and within the broad boundaries of the laboratory community. It influences the direction of laboratory health and safety research and education. The Committee is a recognized source of science-based information committed to outreach to future professionals, existing AIHA members, other professional organizations, and the general public.
Qualifications to Join
Members must be an AIHA member in good standing. If you are interested in learning more about membership, please visit https://www.aiha.org/membership.
Lab Health & Safety Organizations
- Campus Safety Health and Environmental Management Association (CSHEMA)
- UC Center for Laboratory Safety
- The Laboratory Safety Institute
- US Chemical Safety Board