New COVID-19 Vaccine Resources Published by NIEHS and OSHA
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Worker Training Program (NIEHS WTP) and OSHA have developed new resources that address workplace health and safety issues related to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccination programs.
The new resources from NIEHS include a fact sheet that covers general COVID-19 vaccine information for workers (PDF); a fact sheet describing the elements of a model workplace vaccination program (PDF), which is intended to help individuals responsible for developing and implementing such programs; and a fact sheet on injection safety (PDF), which focuses on preventing needlesticks and exposures to bloodborne pathogens among vaccinators and vaccine administrators. These fact sheets are additions to a range of tools that WTP has developed for employers and workers who may be at risk of exposure to COVID-19. The NIEHS WTP website includes training resources in Spanish and Vietnamese as well as English; links to resources developed by WTP’s academic, union, and organizational partners; and guidance documents published by federal agencies.
New resources related to COVID-19 vaccination are also available from OSHA. Two new posters focus on the safety of workers who are administering COVID-19 vaccines in healthcare settings or at pop-up vaccination sites. “Keeping Workers Safe at COVID-19 Vaccination Sites” is available in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF). Like the fact sheets from NIEHS WTP, OSHA’s new resources are free to download and use.
Related: A previous news article published by AIHA highlights a new employer toolkit for COVID-19 vaccination communication that was recently released by CDC.