Education Connection 2024 April
Featured Blog Post
Meeting Uncertainty with Curiosity
By: Abby Roberts
Before Helena Boschi returned to university to study psychology and neuroscience, her career took her first through sales and marketing and then to senior organization development roles in a number of companies across several industries. In these positions, she observed that people often responded to change initiatives in surprising and irrational ways, even when these initiatives seemed to make sense on a rational level.'

Be a Part of AIHA CONNECT 2024
Call for Student Poster Judges
AIHA is seeking volunteers to virtually judge student posters for the Best in Show awards at AIHA Connect. Judges will review digital student poster files online from April 26 – May 10 to select first place (gold), second place (silver), and third place (bronze). Student winners will each receive a certificate and gift card. Winners will be determined before AIHA Connect, no later than May 13. Award winners will be featured in an issue of The Synergist after the conference.
This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the profession. If you would like to serve as a judge for the Best in Show awards, email Diana Kane no later than April 22, 2024.
As in past years, AIHA’s technical committees will also judge student posters separately at their discretion in consideration for specific committee awards.

Featured Education in Indoor Air Quality
Exposure to indoor air pollutants or lack of fresh air can cause short- and long-term health effects. Improved indoor air quality has been shown to result in higher productivity, better cognitive performance, reduced absenteeism, less reported job stress, and increased job satisfaction.

Featured e-Learning
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) & Label Authoring
Gain proficiency in Safety Data Sheet (SDS) & Label Authoring with AIHA University’s updated self-study course. So much new content has been added, you can now earn 16 contact hours and test your knowledge with interactive quizzes!

Expand your knowledge with Welding: A Case Study in Occupational Hygiene
This self-study course has been updated with fresh content, self-study materials, and knowledge checks for a comprehensive experience. Gain proficiency and earn 9 contact hours when you sign up today!

Cost-Effective Education at Your Fingertips
It’s easier than ever to invest in your professional development with a 2024 AIHA University eLearning Subscription. You’ll not only be up to date on the latest trends, but you’ll save on your education costs for the year.
Get year-long access to 24 contact hours of eLearning on the hottest topics affecting OEHS professionals for just $499. With access to included AIHA webinars and OnDemand recordings in the online classroom, it’s easy to work education into your busy schedule.

Use of Direct Reading Instruments Certificate Program
Earn 4 Contact Hours
Member Price: $300 | Non-Member Price: $350
This introductory-level certificate program is perfect for anyone who uses DRIs to monitor work environments for worker health and safety.

Featured Publications
A Case-Based Introduction to Modeling Occupational Inhalation Exposures to Chemicals
Member $89 | Non-Member $115
This collection of case studies is written to provide an application-based “on-ramp” to the mathematical modeling of inhalation exposures to chemicals. Seeing the models as integral tools for everyday exposure assessment will help you improve the quality of your exposure judgments.

Industrial Hygiene Performance Metrics, 2nd edition
Member $71 | Non-Member $92
This manual provides IH and safety managers with clear and concise measures for tracking operations and organizational performance. It presents metrics that focus on anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of techniques and implementation to improve the function of industrial hygiene programs and aid in the prevention of health hazards.

Looking Ahead: New Releases in 2024
With a new year comes new resources! Keep an eye out for the following publications scheduled for release in 2024:
- Odor Thresholds for Chemicals, 4th edition
- Chemical Protective Clothing, 3rd edition
- Biosafety Reference Manual, 3rd edition
- Sample Collection Quality Manual—new!
Be sure to check the AIHA University Bookstore throughout the year for updates on these and other valuable resources.

Upcoming AIHA University Webinars
Safe Use of 3D Printing in Higher Education
Wednesday, April 10 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET
Earn 1 Contact Hour
Member $99 | Nonmember $125 | Student $25
We will provide an overview of the variety of 3D printing technologies being used on college campuses along with their general safety concerns

The Use of Physiological Monitoring to Assess Heat Strain
Wednesday, April 24 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET
Earn 1 Contact Hour
Member $99 | Nonmember $125 | Student $25
This webinar will introduce attendees to the AIHA White paper on Physiological Monitoring to Assess Heat Strain.

Keeping Pace With the AI Revolution: The Role of the OSH Professional
Wednesday, April 24 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET
Earn 1 Contact Hour
Member $99 | Nonmember $125 | Student $25
This webinar will introduce attendees to the AIHA White paper on Physiological Monitoring to Assess Heat Strain.

Featured Technical Frameworks
Technical Framework: Guiding Principles for Exposure Risk Assessment and Management
Representatives from the Exposure Assessment Strategies and Risk Assessment Committees and NIOSH recently reviewed and updated this cornerstone framework. The knowledge, skills, and abilities are broken down by the seven steps in the exposure risk and management flow, and helpful resources can be found by each competency when available.

Technical Framework: Legionella
Cases of Legionnaires' disease, and the associated unfortunate outcomes, draw attention in the news around the world. This framework lists the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by the competent technician, responder professional, and program professional to effectively prevent or respond to Legionella contamination of building water systems.

AIHA Volunteer Groups' Bodies of Work
AIHA Guidance Document: Hazardous Drug Surface Contamination
This guidance document focuses on the implementation of systems that ensure the protection of healthcare employees and their work environments where hazardous drugs (HDs) are handled. The document provides guidance on best practices related to monitoring workplace surface contamination, with a focus on surface wipe sampling for HDs. It also outlines the minimum standards for the preparation of HDs and provides recommendations for managing contaminated materials resulting from a spill or cleanup of a spill. Sponsored by the AIHA Healthcare Working Group, this is a crucial resource for enhancing workplace safety and compliance. Gain valuable insights into best practices for safeguarding healthcare environments—read the full guidance document today to ensure you’re taking the right steps to protect both employees and work environments.

Sign up to Receive Future Resources!
AIHA volunteer project teams are continuously working on new content to enlighten OEHS professionals. Please see the list of new and updated works coming soon and sign up to receive notification, or free PDFs if applicable, once they are completed.

Volunteer Opportunities
Call for PDC Monitors at AIHA CONNECT
As a monitor, you will be responsible for attendee sign-in, course announcements, and assisting the instructor as needed. In return for your assistance, AIHA CONNECT will waive your PDC registration fee. Assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis.

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Open Call for Continuing Education Committee Membership
Would you like to get more involved? Are you looking for a way to connect with, and help, other members? Do you have valuable skills and perspectives that could benefit AIHA’s Continuing Education programs? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, consider responding to the Call for Volunteers. DEADLINE DATE: April 12, 2024

Register Early and SAVE on 2024 AIHA University Road Course Training (In-person)!
Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene Course - 32 Contact Hours
- May 23-26, 2024, In-Person Offering in Westerville, OH
- September 16-19, 2024, In-Person Offering in Westerville, OH
Immerse your staff in IH principles and practices with Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, a four-day (in-person) five-day (virtual) training course offering sampling and workshop sessions, hands-on (in-person), video lab experiences (virtual), demo sessions, and problem-solving exercises.
Join us to gain hands-on experience from industry experts.

Like to learn from a live instructor, but want the convenience of online? Try out a live virtual PDC!
Applied Ergonomics Risk Assessment
Wednesday, April 17 | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET
Earn 7.5 Contact Hours
Member $430 | Nonmember $484 | Student $110
This applied ergonomics risk assessment course gives participants the foundational understanding of an ergonomics program. The author will provide essential ergonomics risk assessment tools. The participants will learn to utilize tools for ergonomics hazard identification, analyze and evaluate ergonomic risks, and apply risk reduction concepts.

CPAG Spotlight
CPAG’s incoming Chair, Taylor Shockey, will be presenting on this premiere advisory group and the role of the content priorities at AIHA CONNECT, on the AIHA Main Stage, located in the AIHA Expo booth (#627) on May 21, at 9:45 a.m.