This material may also be useful for other AIHA Volunteer groups as part of a professional development course (PDC) or webinar. The primary objective of this EASC team was to gather basic characterization information (SDS’s, production, facility, processes and task) and then go out and complete sampling on key environmental agents identified in the facility. During the process, EASC member Billy Bullock videotaped the site and sampling so that students could participate “virtually” in the process.
PDC instructors and college professors can utilize this information in whole or part to suit their specific needs. Some examples of how this information might be used in a course include:
General Foundry Video
- Showing the general foundry tour video and asking students to identify potential hazards (e.g., general safety hazards, ergonomics, or chemical, physical and biological)
- Using the video to highlight for students how to gather basic characterization information or establish similar exposure groups (SEGs)
- Asking students to view the video and provide their qualitative estimate of what hazards might be present in the foundry and which one(s) present the greatest potential risk for workers
Department specific Videos (e.g., Shell Core, Osborne, Oil Core)
- Targeted research projects
- Qualitative exposure assessment of the department
- Quantitative exposure assessment of the department
- Statistical analysis of IH data using one of the AIHA IHSTAT™ spreadsheets
- Bayesian analysis of the IH data using Expostats, or IHDA-AIHA
- Student discussions about professional judgment and how to use statistics to improve their initial judgment of exposure
- Student discussions comparing their initial qualitative judgment with actual IH data
- Dermal evaluations comparing IHSkinPerm™ outputs to actual data
- And many other uses
Click on the links below to find information that can be used in your lectures or student introduction to Exposure Assessment techniques following the AIHA Strategy.
Virtual Foundry Tour Video
For Professors / Instructors that use Canvas, Blackboard, or other similar learning platforms and want to embed the videos in their course, here are the YouTube embed codes.
General Foundry Tour Video
The purpose of the video is to provide students studying Industrial Hygiene with a virtual experience in a "real world" scenario so they can conduct the exposure assessment steps of Basic Characterization and Establishing Similar Exposure groups (SEGs).
Shell Core Department-Specific Video
Video for the exposure assessment assignment as part of the Industrial Hygiene course.
Oil Core Department-Specific Video
This video shows the Foundry Oil Core area in more detail. You will use this along with the air and dermal data as part of your project.
Osborn / Cope & Drag Department Specific Video
This is an AIHA project to assist students with an exposure assessment. The focus of this project is silica exposure within the Osborn (Cope and Drag) area.
Exposure Assessment Scenarios
- Read “Student Instructions for Foundry IH Project” first.
Supporting Materials
Exposure Assessment Shell Core Area
- Safety Data Sheet – Super F Resin Coated Sand (Shell Core)
- Sample Results for Environmental Agents
Exposure Assessment Osborn Core Area
- Safety Data Sheet – Spent Foundry Sand (Osborn Core)
- Sample Results for Environmental Agents
Exposure Assessment Oil Core Area
- Safety Data Sheet – Super F Resin Coated Sand (Oil Core)
- Technical Data Sheet – Techniset 6000 UNB Part 1 Resin
- Sample Results for Environmental Agents
Additional Project Information