Scope of Work
We are working to build the mentoring program through AIHA to pair mentors and mentees who would like to enhance their learning, leadership, and communication skills. Our professional development side of the committee is looking to create webinars and resources for OEHS professionals that center largely around soft skills and furthering their learning.
Goals and Objectives
The Mentoring and Professional Development Committee’s goals have largely revolved around the AIHA Mentoring Program. With the launch of the new AIHA Mentoring system, Qooper, our goals for the future of the MPDC have evolved! We will continue to be a resource for the mentors and mentees who go through the Mentoring program. Still, we will also be focusing on the professional development aspect of our committee.
- Provide mentors and mentees with a dedicated team to help with their mentoring needs.
- Provide various activities throughout the year where professionals of each stage can engage and learn new technical and soft skills needed to succeed. We aim to create a suite of products, services, and activities to help IH professionals grow and develop professionally. Activities will be largely virtual-based, but we are open to ideas.
Current Projects
- Mentoring system
- Professional Development Webinars
- Mentoring Program Module via Catalyst - Membership and Effectiveness Growth
Recognized as an Outstanding Volunteer Group (2021, 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014)
Awarded the Shining Star Award (2014), Rising Star Award (2015), and Soaring Star Award (2010)
Collaboration Efforts
- Students and Early Career Professionals
- Leadership and Managemen
Group Dynamics
Our active members are largely early and mid-career professionals, with a mix of OEHS practitioners from industry, academia, and consulting. We are a friendly group looking for new members to bring more ideas to the committee! You can choose the level of involvement that fits your availability and earn CM points by:
- Joining a project team
- Participate in monthly committee meetings - provide feedback, recommend exploring areas, and communicate opportunities to collaborate.
- Mentorship and professional development (join the Qooper system or volunteer to present for a professional development webinar)
- development (serve as an office of the group or a project team leader)
Qualifications to Join Members
must be an AIHA member in good standing. If you are interested in learning more about membership, please visit https://www.aiha.org/membership. Already an AIHA member and interested in joining this committee? Click JOIN NOW below!
Get a Mentor... Be a Mentor!
No matter where you are in your career, the right mentor can energize you and provide counsel when needed. And when you mentor others, exposing them to otherwise inaccessible experiences, you can accelerate their careers and help them succeed. For more information, please click here.