Goals and Objectives
- Membership Diversity
Achieve and maintain an active membership encompassing a broad range of expertise in respiratory protection, representing manufacturers, users, regulators, and investigators. - Advocacy and Influence
Establish and maintain a formal relationship with targeted standard-setting, research, and regulatory organizations, including NIOSH, OSHA, MSHA, ANSI, ASTM, NFPA, ISO, and ISRP. Monitor and report on rule-making activities. Participate in guideline development. Develop positions for the AIHA Board. Participate in national and international consensus standards for respiratory protection. - Outreach
Initiate and sustain activities to encourage new and existing health and safety professionals to develop skills, expertise, and interest in respiratory protection. Provide guidance to respirator users who lack direct access to industrial hygiene training by publishing fact sheets, brochures, and other outreach communications appropriately targeted to a specific audience. - Operational Excellence
Evaluate, and disseminate information on respiratory protection devices and on the management of respiratory protection programs.
Track and report on identified respiratory protection issues. Respond to AIHA Board requests, and publish needed information. Solicit papers & organize sessions for AIHce. Review recommendations and practices. Present PDCs and continuing education courses.
Identify and respond to respiratory protection devices and management issues. Review and comment on proposed legislation, and regulations. Participate in consensus standards.
- Respirator Performance Terms
- Respiratory Program Administrator Competencies
- Respiratory Protection Fact Sheet
- AIHA Outstanding Volunteer Group (2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010)
John M. White Award
The AIHA Respiratory Protection Committee established the John M. White Award to encourage scientific and application-oriented research in respiratory protection. This year’s award is presented to William G. Lindsley, Donald H. Beezhold, Jayme Coyle, Raymond C. Derk, Francoise M. Blachere, Theresa Boots, Jeffrey S. Reynolds, Walter G. McKinney, Erik Sinsel, and John D. Noti, for the article Efficacy of Universal Masking for Source Control and Personal Protection from Simulated Cough and Exhaled Aerosols in a Room published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, volume 18, 2021, issue 8, pages 409-422, published online: 21 July 2021.
Jack was a founding member of the ACGIH's Respiratory Protection Committee. This committee had become inactive by the late 1970's. He joined the AIHA's Respiratory Protection Committee in the early 1980's. He was a combination of a respirator "Guru" and a mentor to newer members. He had retired from his activities at the Chalk River Nuclear facility by then, but continued to come to our semiannual respiratory protection committee at his own expense. He participated in our various discussions and activities at a time when the Respiratory Protection committee was extremely active in sponsoring and publishing a Respiratory Protection Manual, a Respiratory Protection Monograph and the Compilation of Odor and Taste Thresholds Values Data books.