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Table of Contents by Issue


(Members-Only PDF)

President’s Message
Farewell, 2009; Hail, 2010
By Cathy Cole

Board Perspective
When Less Is More
By Cynthia A. Ostrowski

Washington Insider
Will Michaels Change OSHA’s Agenda?
By Aaron Trippler

Insight: Exposure Assessment
From “Wow!” to “What’s Next?”
By James D. McGlothlin

Insight: Green Building
Costly Stone
By Linda Kincaid, David Bernhardt and Al Gerhart

Insight: Professional Growth
Certifiably Credible
By Lawrence P. Postol

Fantastic Voyage: My Journey in Infection Control
Recounting the debate over respirators and the spread of flu virus.
By Tom Fuller

Weathering the Storm
OEHS professionals show their resiliency in the face of today’s many challenges.
By Dave Johnson

Stories from the Great Recession
Three experienced OEHS professionals share insights on success in tough
By Ed Rutkowski


(Members-Only PDF)

President’s Message
Decision 2010
By Cathy Cole

Staff Works
New Year, New Strategy—New Options!
By Stacey Talbot

Insight: For Consultants
Watch Your Language
By David Kudlinski

Insight: Risk Assessment
Risky Business: Out of the Sandbox
By Frank Mirer

Unintended Consequences: Formaldehyde Exposures in Green Homes
Without proper ventilation, airtight, energy-efficient homes can cause high exposures to dangerous chemicals.
By Linda Kincaid and Bud Offermann

The Greenhouse Learning Curve
Determining greenhouse gas emissions may soon become a staple of OEHS work.
By Lisa S. Barnes

AIHA Election Primer
Find out who’s running for AIHA 30 office in 2010.


(Members-Only PDF)

President’s Message
Strength in Numbers
By Cathy Cole

Washington Insider
As Congress Stalls, an Opening for OSHA
By Aaron Trippler

Insight: Ethics
Intricate Measurements
By John P. Burke

Insight: Regulatory Outlook
Sizing Up the New Sheriff
By Paul Waters

Control Banding and Nanotechnology
Nanomaterials turn everything you know about industrial hygiene upside down. How does a concept as simple as control banding save the day?
By David M. Zalk and Samuel Y. Paik

Prolong the Functional Age
By 2018, nearly one-quarter of the U.S. labor force will be over 55. Ergonomics principles will be key to maximizing the productivity and safety of this aging work force.
By Margaret Wan

Respiratory Protection in a Pandemic
Our experience with H1N1 shows that it’s never too late to plan for the next pandemic.
By Christopher B. Murray


(Members-Only PDF)

President’s Message
Our Global Focus
By Cathy Cole

Staff Works
The Synergist
® Goes Digital
By Constance Paradise

Insight: Green Building
How to Put the IH in LEED
By Dale Walsh

Insight: Risk Communication
Telling People You Got It Wrong
By Peter M. Sandman

Vapor Intrusion: A Regulatory and Technical Update
Need help finding your way through the thicket of regulations and guidance for vapor intrusion? You’re not alone.
By Michelle Gillie and Sandra Gaurin

At Your Service
Software for chemical information management can help companies reduce the risks and costs associated with chemical hazards.
By Scott Williams

Explore New Frontiers at AIHce
Get an early look at AIHce with The Synergist’s conference preview.
By Brooke Morris


(Members-Only PDF)

President’s Message
Partners at the Summit
By Cathy Cole

Washington Insider
With Health Care Finished, What’s Next?
By Aaron Trippler

Insight: For Consultants
Fair Contract or Deal Breaker?
By David Kudlinski

Insight: Risk Assessment
Risky Business: PERCs at the National Academy
By Franklin Mirer

Insight: Regulatory Outlook
Voluntary vs. Mandatory
By Paul Waters

All Systems Green
NIOSH’s Prevention through Design initiative looks to protect workers in the coming green economy.
By Donna S. Heidel, James D. McGlothlin, and John Weaver

Green Managers
Learn how to implement sustainability methods in your business.
By Enrique Medina

It’s All Happening at the Expo
Familiar favorites and new attractions grace the Expo at AIHce 2010.
By Brooke Morris

Synergist® Q&A: Gas Detection
Excerpts from a Synergist podcast 40 on gas detection.


(Members-Only PDF)

Revisiting Granite Safety

Washington Insider
Interest in OEHS Heats Up in Congress
By Aaron Trippler

Insight: Risk Assessment
New Guidance on Nanotechnology
By Donald Ewert

No Time to Lose
Quickly adjusting to changing circumstances is the essence of emergency response.
By Glenn C. Millner and Paul A. Nony

Exploring the Exposome
A new concept has the potential to change our understanding of the relationship between exposure and disease.
By John A. Decker, Gayle DeBord, Ainsley Weston, and Mark D. Hoover

Frontier Spirit
A look back at AIHce 2010.
By Melissa Hurley and Ed Rutkowski

Academy Candidates’ Forum
Meet the candidates for Vice President of the Academy of Industrial Hygiene.


(Members-Only PDF)

President’s Message
Operational Excellence and Health Protection
By Mike Brandt

Insight: Green Building
A Safer Shade of Green
By Melissa Ling

Insight: Professional Growth
It’s Getting Better All the Time
By Heather I. Thompson and Bob Di Rienzo

The Next Generation Lab
Industrial hygiene laboratories are adapting to changing needs.
By Keith Rickabaugh and Matt Zock

The Complete Picture (Updated Version)
Identifying all VOCs is a critical step in resolving IAQ issues related to
elevated chemicals and odors and assessing the risk to building occupants.
By Marilyn Black

Center of Attention
OSHA and Congress have occupational safety and health issues moving again.
By Ed Rutkowski


(Members-Only PDF)

President’s Message
Industrial Hygiene in the 21st Century
By Michael T. Brandt

Washington Insider
A Busy Month for Congress
By Aaron Trippler

Insight: Risk Assessment
Gulf Oil: Generalizing from Sui Generis
By Frank Mirer

Don’t Get Lost in Translation
Tips for training a multicultural work force.
By Margaret Wan

Risk Communication Lessons from the BP Spill
What can we learn from the worst marine oil spill in U.S. history?
By Peter Sandman

When Technical Expertise Is Not Enough
Resolution of IEQ issues in schools requires more than just technical prowess.
By Ben Kollmeyer


(Members-Only PDF)

President’s Message
The Future of AIHA Membership and Local Sections
By Michael T. Brandt

Board Perspective
Improving the Volunteer Experience
By Cynthia A. Ostrowski

Insight: For Consultants
Beyond OELs
By David Kudlinski and Teri Copeland

Insight: Ethics
Ethics by the Numbers
By Glenn Barbi

Coming Soon: DNELs
The next major registration deadline for REACH is Dec. 1.
By Joe Unangst

“The Next Day, Everything Was Flat”
Revisiting the Haiti earthquake.
By Ed Rutkowski

Holding Mother Earth Sacred
A photo exhibit brings to life the occupational health and safety issues affecting Native Americans.
By Ed Rutkowski


(Members-Only PDF)

President’s Message
IH Core Competencies in a Changing World
By Michael T. Brandt

Washington Insider
Legislative Limbo
By Aaron Trippler

Insight: Regulatory Outlook
Whistleblowers Central
By Paul Waters

Insight: Green Building
The Greening of Construction
By Walter Jones and Ingrid X. Zubieta

The IH Life Cycle
Working toward a career road map for industrial hygienists.
By Ed Rutkowski

Partners in Protecting Workers
Industrial hygienists work with many professionals, but a good relationship with occupational health providers is imperative for a successful practice.
By Andrea Pouliot and Linda Englert

Charged Situations
Protect your facility by knowing static electricity principles and control measures.
By Mark A. Lucas


(Members-Only PDF)

President’s Message
Building Industrial Hygiene Capacity in the United States
By Michael T. Brandt

Revisiting the Haiti Earthquake

Insight: Exposure Assessment
Time for Modeling
By Steven D. Jahn

Insight: Risk Assessment
Crossing a Threshold
By Frank Mirer

Extreme Makeovers
A longtime EHS pro shares simple tips for making your data come alive.
By Ed Rutkowski

Contentious Consensus
Input from a diverse group of stakeholders will add to the credibility of ISO’s new standard on social responsibility.
By Jeffrey Hogue

Streamlined Management
How to build a business case for OHS databases.
By Monica Melkonian