Channel Descriptions
Article in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
Description: The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene is a peer-reviewed publication available both print and online that aims to enhance the knowledge and practice of occupational and environmental hygiene and safety.
Target Audience: OEHS audience
Right for Me? Consider submitting to JOEH if you are interested in writing an article that discusses ideas, methods, processes, and research in the core and emerging areas of occupational and environmental hygiene.
Format Outline:
- JOEH publishes five types of articles: technical manuscripts, short reports, review articles, commentaries, and letters to the editor. Detailed descriptions of these article types are available from the JOEH website.
Article in The Synergist
Description: The Synergist is a monthly magazine that provides readers with detailed news and information about the occupational and environmental health and safety fields and the industrial hygiene profession.
Target Audience: OEHS audience.
Right for Me? Consider submitting to the Synergist if you have practical information that will be helpful to working industrial hygienists and OEHS professionals, or if you have an opinion or viewpoint on a current topic relevant to OEHS that you would like to share. Authors of other AIHA publications, such as fact sheets, guidance documents, and white papers, may consider submitting a Synergist article on their topic to give it higher visibility.
Format Outline:
- Feature articles are typically 2,000-3,000 words, while columns are typically 600-1,400 words
- The editors of The Synergist will assign a specific word count to your article based on the space available in a given issue
SynergistNOW Blog Post
Description: SynergistNOW blog posts are typically short, informatory pieces of writing on a timely topic of potential interest to audiences beyond AIHA's core group of OEHS and IH professionals. Blog posts may or may not incorporate the author's viewpoint or opinion.
Target Audience: OEHS or public audience
Right for Me? Consider submitting a blog post to the SynergistNOW if interest in your topic may extend beyond AIHA's membership to members of related organizations.
Format Outline:
- SynergistNOW posts are similar to Synergist columns and are typically between 600 and 1,000 words in length
- Occasionally, posts originally published on SynergistNOW may be subsequently republished in the Synergist
Submission & Approval Process Guidelines for Articles or Blogs
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
Complete instructions for authors are available on the website of Taylor & Francis, the JOEH publisher. Please direct any questions to JOEH Associate Editor Gakenia Njenga.
The Synergist and SynergistNOW
Before writing their blog post or article, authors should send a two-to-three sentence description of their proposed topic to The Synergist staff. In this email, specify whether your proposal is intended for the magazine or the blog. An editor will respond to verify whether the topic is a good fit. If the topic is approved, the editor will suggest a word count and a deadline. More information is available in The Synergist authors' guidelines.