Meet the Standards Advisory Panel:

AIHA Standards Activities

Standards Advisory Panel (SAP)

The SAP is responsible for making prioritized recommendations regarding AIHA's involvement in consensus standards-setting activities to ensure that industrial hygiene and occupational/environmental health and safety are represented.

    The goals for AIHA standards development activities are:

    • to ensure that AIHA obtains and maintains an appropriate level of involvement or leadership in industrial/occupational hygiene-related standards globally;
    • to encourage broader participation by AIHA in the development of international IH/OH standards while supporting and strengthening the existing domestic standards development efforts;
    • to support the development and harmonization of national and international IH/OH standards; and
    • to provide a forum for AIHA members to provide meaningful input into the standards development process.

    Click here to see the various national and international standards and standards-setting committees and the list of members that currently represent AIHA.

    AIHA Standards Engagement

    ​The AI​​HA Guideline Foundation Standards Advisory Panel has developed a Standards Engagement Process​ that will allow AIHA to:

    • identify the consensus standards issues that are important to AIHA members and stakeholders;
    • track activities pertaining to standards development that has an impact on the industrial hygiene profession and worker health and safety;
    • determine the appropriate level of AIHA involvement in any such standards; and
    • engage more effectively in developing and influencing standards in support of the organization’s strategic goals and objectives.​

    To Request for Evaluation of a Consensus Standard, please fill out a form here.

    Important Forms