Goals and Objectives
- Provide up-to-date technical resources related to gas and vapor detection systems.
- Develop and provide technical real-time detection systems (e.g., gas and vapor detection systems) information and provide guidance to occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) professionals.
- Develop and update AIHA publications, and complete projects with the Content Portfolio Advisory Group.
- Provide input and support to AIHA position statements.
- Develop website information and workshops and AIHce professional development courses (PDCs) and education sessions (poster, roundtable, technical) related to real-time detection systems.
- Collaborate with other AIHA committees in developing and promoting RTDS technology through developing technical information for AIHA publications (e.g., Synergist, JOEH) and AIHce PDC or educational presentations.
- Maintain and promote market-driven standardized equipment specification sheets for RTDS equipment.
Real-Time Detection Systems Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible thanks to generous donations from members of the AIHA Real-Time Detection Systems Committee.
- AIHA Outstanding Volunteer Group (2022, 2021, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008)
- Awarded the Shining Star Award (2016, 2012), Rising Star Award (2021)
Current Projects
- Current project and activities for RTDS technical resources and knowledge.
- JOEH special issue paper(s) on sensor technology.
- Synergist articles on alarm setting.
- Summary file of Existing Particulate Monitoring Standards (Christin Duran project).
- Post wildfire sampling protocols, white paper development, and standards development comments.
- Consultation and input to AIHA IEQ Committee regarding the US federal initiative RTDS Schools Project.
- Review and challenges of ‘Big Data & Sensor Technology’ and with ethical practices for RTDS use.
- AIHA Connect 2024 presentations (e.g., PDCs, education, and ‘pop-up’ sessions)
Products Produced by the Group
- White Paper: Establishing a Process for the Setting of Real-Time Detection Systems Alarms
- Technical Framework: Guidance on the Use of Direct Reading Instruments
- Use of Real-Time Detection Systems to Protect the Public During COVID-19
- Fact Sheet: Reporting Specifications for Electronic Real-Time Gas and Vapor Detection Equipment
Collaboration Efforts
Collaborate with other AIHA committees in developing and promoting RTDS technology through developing technical information for AIHA publications.
Group Dynamics
Our members have typically been career-long professionals, with a varied mix of IH/OEHS practitioners from industry, academia, government/military, and consulting.
We are a friendly and active group, with engaging virtual committee meetings. You can choose the level of involvement that fits your availability.
Qualifications to Join
Members must be an AIHA member in good standing. If you are interested in learning more about membership, please visit https://www.aiha.org/membership.
Standardized Equipment Specification Sheet Program
The Standardized Equipment Specification Sheet (SESS) program is designed to be a common language with which the manufacturer and end user can effectively communicate, thereby allowing the end user to understand the instruments' capabilities and limitations better. This manual describes the programmatic approach to developing an AIHA Standardized Equipment Specification Sheet. It describes the definitions for the specifications to be included, the methods for determining the specification parameters (when available), and a template for the specification sheet. The SESS was developed by a consensus-based subcommittee, including stakeholders representing equipment manufacturers, military, government, academia, emergency response, and commercial end users.
- SESS Manual (Reporting Specifications for Electronic Real-Time Gas and Vapor Detection Equipment)
- SESS Instrument (Instrument Sheet Template for the Standardized Equipment Specification Sheet Program)
- SESS Sensor (Sheet Template for the Standardized Equipment Specification Sheet Program)
Technical Framework:
Guidance on Use of Direct Reading Instruments
This Framework establishes a practical approach for the appropriate use of DRIs, provides guidance on common challenges with their use, and identifies references for the further development of these competencies.