Certain types of establishments producing wood products are classified elsewhere. For example, furniture and office and store fixtures are classified in Major Group 25; musical instruments, toys, and playground equipment, and caskets are classified in Major Group 39. Woodworking in connection with construction, in the nature of reconditioning and repair, or performed to individual order, is classified in nonmanufacturing industries. Establishments engaged in integrated operations of logging combined with sawmills, pulp mills, or other converting activity, with the logging not separately reported, are classified according to the primary product shipped.

Industry Group 241: Logging (SIC 2411)

Establishments primarily engaged in cutting timber and in producing rough, round, hewn, or riven primary forest or wood raw materials, or in producing wood chips in the field. Independent contractors engaged in estimating or trucking timber, but who perform no cutting operations, are classified in nonmanufacturing industries.

Industry Group 242: Sawmills and Planing Mills

Sawmills and Planing Mills, General (SIC 2421) Establishments primarily engaged in sawing rough lumber and timber from logs and bolts, or resawing cants and flitches into lumber, including box lumber and softwood, cut stock; planing mills combined with sawmills and separately operated planing mills which are engaged primarily in producing surfaced lumber and standard workings or patterns of lumber. This industry includes establishments primarily engaged in sawing lath and railroad ties and in producing tobacco hogshead stock, wood chips, and snow fence lath. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing box shook or boxes are classified in Industry Group 244; those manufacturing Bash, doors, wood molding, window and door frames, and other fabricated millwork are classified in Industry Group 243; and those manufacturing hardwood dimension and flooring are classified in Industry 2426.

Hardwood Dimension and Flooring Mills (SIC 2426) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hardwood dimension lumber and workings therefrom; and other hardwood dimensions, semi-fabricated or ready for assembly; hardwood flooring; and wood frames for household furniture. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing stair work, molding, and trim are classified in Industry 2431; and those manufacturing textile machinery bobbins, picker sticks, and shuttles are classified in Industry 3552.

Special Product Sawmills, Not Elsewhere Classified (SIC 2429) Mills primarily engaged in manufacturing excelsior, wood shingles, and cooperage stock; and in sawing special products, not elsewhere classified.

Industry Group 243: Millwork, Veneer, Plywood, And Structural Wood

Millwork (SIC 2431)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fabricated wood millwork, including wood millwork covered with materials such as metal and plastics. Planing mills primarily engaged in producing millwork are included in this industry, but planing mills primarily producing standard workings or patterns of lumber are classified in Industry 2421. Establishments primarily manufacturing wood kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities for permanent installation are classified in Industry 2434.

Wood Kitchen Cabinets (SIC 2434) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing wood kitchen cabinets and wood bathroom vanities, generally for permanent installation. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing free-standing cabinets and vanities are classified in Major Group 25. Establishments primarily engaged in building custom cabinets for individuals are classified in Retail Trade, Industry 5712.

Hardwood Veneer and Plywood (SIC 2435) Establishments primarily engaged in producing commercial hardwood veneer and those primarily engaged in manufacturing commercial plywood or prefinished hardwood plywood. This includes non-wood backed or faced veneer and non-wood faced plywood, from veneer produced in the same establishment or from purchased veneer. Establishments primarily engaged in the production of veneer which is used in the same establishment for the manufacture of wood containers, such as fruit and vegetable baskets and wood boxes are classified in Industry Group 244.

Softwood Veneer and Plywood (SIC 2436)

Establishments primarily engaged in producing commercial softwood veneer and plywood, from veneer produced in the same establishment or from purchased veneer. Establishments primarily engaged in producing commercial hardwood veneer and plywood are classified in Industry 2435. Establishments primarily engaged in the production of veneer which is used in the same establishment for the manufacture of wooden containers such as fruit and vegetable baskets and wood boxes are classified in Industry Group 244.

Structural Wood Members, Not Elsewhere Classified (SIC 2439) Establishments primarily engaged in producing laminated or fabricated trusses, arches, and other structural members of lumber. Establishments primarily engaged in fabrication on the site of construction are classified in.

Industry Group 244: Wood Containers

Nailed and Lock Corner Wood Boxes and Shook (SIC 2441)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing nailed and lock corner wood boxes (lumber or plywood), and shook for nailed and lock corner boxes.

Wood Pallets and Skids (SIC 2448)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing wood or wood and metal combination pallets and skids.

Wood Containers, Not Elsewhere Classified (SIC 2449)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing wood containers, not elsewhere classified, such as cooperage, wire-bound boxes and crates, and other veneer and plywood containers. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing tobacco hogshead stock are classified in Industry 2421, and those manufacturing cooperage stock are classified in Industry 2429.

Industry Group 245: Wood Buildings and Mobile Homes

Mobile Homes (SIC 2451)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing mobile homes and nonresidential mobile buildings These units are generally more than 35 feet long, at least 8 feet wide, do not have facilities for storage of water or waste, and are equipped with wheels. Trailers that are generally 35 feet long or less, 8 feet wide or less, and with self-contained facilities are classified in Industry 3792. Portable wood buildings not equipped with wheels are classified in Industry 2452.

Prefabricated Wood Buildings and Components (SIC 2452)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing prefabricated wood buildings, sections, and panels. Establishments primarily engaged in fabricating buildings on the site of construction are classified in Division C, Construction.

Industry Group 249: Miscellaneous Wood Products

Wood Preserving (SIC 2491) Establishments primarily engaged in treating wood, sawed or planed in other establishments, with creosote or other preservatives to prevent decay and to protect against fire and insects. This industry also includes the cutting, treating, and selling of poles, posts, and piling, but establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing other wood products, which they may also treat with preservatives, are not included.

Reconstituted Wood Products (SIC 2493) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing reconstituted wood products. Important products of this industry are hardboard, particleboard, insulation board, medium density fiberboard, wafer-board, and oriented strandboard.

Wood Products, Not Elsewhere Classified (SIC 2499) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing miscellaneous wood products, not elsewhere classified, and products from rattan, reed, splint, straw, veneer, veneer strips, wicker, and willow.

Note: The following table represents only the potential occupational health concerns related to the entire lumber and wood products group based on a job task or work activity, and any related OSHA standards for regulatory compliance. The information presented does not indicate or suggest a relative risk of exposure based on the location within the table nor provides any exposure information. Health risks associated with fatigue, working long hours, and other psychosocial disorders are not addressed.

The focus of this information is to provide guidance to understand the occupational health hazards from chemical substances, physical and biological agents, radiological, ergonomic, and environmental hazards from exposure to plants and animals. Potential occupational health exposures in this industry were contrived from the OSHA Integrated Management Information System database between 1984 to 2020. Additional information was obtained from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Health Hazard Evaluations performed by request of employee representatives and organizations from 1978 to 2020.

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Worker Exposure Profiles in the Lumber and Wood Products

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