AIHA is seeking volunteers to serve as ABET Program Evaluators (PEVs). This is your opportunity to get involved in preparing the next generation of industrial hygienists through improving technical education.
ABET is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization, one of only two in the U.S. with ISO9001:2015 certification focusing on academic programs for the preparation of professionals in Applied and Natural Sciences, Computing, Engineering, or Engineering Technology, around the world. The standards that ABET accredits to are provided by professional associations, like AIHA, who make up the ABET partner members for the organization. The standards provided and the quality they guarantee inspires confidence in those who aim to build a better world—one that is safer, more efficient, comfortable, and sustainable.
Thousands of technical professionals give their time and expertise because they care deeply about the quality of technical education and believe the accreditation process enhances both individual programs and the professions.
There are many reasons to become a PEV. Read the Spotlight testimonials to learn more about the people who make ABET one of the leading accreditors in the world. The experience of serving on a review team can be both personally and professionally rewarding because it offers opportunities to:
- Help assure ABET accreditation criteria reflect contemporary practice and the expectations of the technical professions and their key constituents;
- Gain insight into “best practices” and trends in technical education and the particular characteristics of individual schools and programs; and
- Benefit from interaction and networking with committed peers beyond the usual boundaries of geography, sector, and discipline.
In many cases, participation can earn professional development hours to fulfilling licensing or certification requirements.
- Must hold the CIH designation
- Successfully complete PEV training:
- Online training (12-20 hours)
- Simulated Visit Training (1.5 days experiential workshop)
- Society–specific Training and Requirements
To learn more, please see What is Involved?
Selection Process
The process of selecting new PEVs begins with an open call for applications for the AIHA membership. Applications are reviewed, and selections are made by the AIHA Academic Accreditation Advisory Group.
To apply to be a PEV, please visit
The AIHA Academic Accreditation Advisory Group will review submittals from all interested parties. We hope to have decisions made within 3 weeks of the submission of an application. On occasion, our review may take longer due to travel, schedules, or unforeseen circumstances. If that is to happen and you have not heard from us within 1 month, please reach out to Laurie Mutdosch. We will be in touch as soon as we have an update. Thank you for your patience.