Total Worker Health® Mission Statement
This priority focuses on ensuring OEHS professionals are positioned to be leaders and valued participants in preventing harm and protecting and promoting worker well-being, including mental health, using tools such as Total Worker Health®, Exposomics, Total Exposure Health. They are recognized as the preeminent experts in the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of exposures to environmental and physical agents and psychological stressors in the workplace, home, and community.
Total Worker Health® Vision Statements
- OEHS professionals understand how occupational and non-occupational exposures combine and/or interact to affect worker well-being.
- OEHS professionals use their skills and resources to identify and address stressors impacting worker well-being, including health and psychosocial hazards.
- OEHS professionals are seen as leaders and valued partners who collaborate with other professionals, such as occupational nurses, doctors, and human resource professionals, on TWH initiatives.
AIHA is a NIOSH TWH Affiliate.
Bodies of Work
AIHA Volunteer Committees’ Bodies of Work include White Papers, Guidance Documents, Fact Sheets, and Position Statements. Access an extensive library of resources developed by AIHA Volunteer Committees in their areas of specialty on various topics of interest.
- AIHA Total Exposure Health aspects of Total Worker Health®: Advancing Worker Well-Being Guidance Document
- Psychosocial Hazard Talking Points for the OEHS Professional
- Psychosocial hazards arise from poor work design, organization, and management.
- Sensors Talking Points for the OEHS Professional
- Sensors hold the promise of revolutionizing personal exposure monitoring.
- Ergonomics Talking Points for the OEHS Professional
- Ergonomics adopts a systems approach to designing (or re-designing) effective work, and that requires consideration of relevant cognitive, physical, and organizational factors that can affect human work performance, health, and well-being.
- TWH Talking Points for the OEHS Professional
- The TWH approach expands upon a traditional occupational safety and health approach in several ways such as focusing broadly on worker well-being, recognizing that hazards exist both on and off the job, and seeking to integrate organizational practices, programs, and policies with other efforts that potentially impact and advance worker well-being.
Total Worker Health®Resources Repository
This AIHA online repository features over 130 Total Worker Health® resources.
NIOSH Total Worker Health® Program & Centers of Excellence
How can a holistic approach to worker well-being assist in improving the safety and health of workers? Total Worker Health® is defined as policies, programs, and practices that integrate protection from work-related safety and health hazards with promotion of injury and illness-prevention efforts to advance worker well-being. The Total Worker Health (TWH) approach seeks to improve the well-being of the U.S. workforce by protecting their safety and enhancing their health and productivity. Using TWH strategies benefits workers, employers, and the community.
- California Labor Laboratory
- Carolina Center for Healthy Work Design and Worker Well-being
- Center for Health, Work & Environment
- Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace
- Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Center for Work, Health and Well-being
- Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest
- Johns Hopkins P.O.E. Total Worker Health® Center in Mental Health
- Oregon Healthy Workforce Center
- University of Illinois at Chicago Center for Healthy Work
- Utah Center for Promotion of Work Equity
AIHA Healthier Workplaces Show
- Episode 17: Mental Health and OEHS In episode 17 of Healthier Workplaces Show, Bob talks with Liz Hill, CIH, CPS, about the impact of mental health in workplaces and why OEHS professionals should make mental well-being and psychological safety a priority. Discuss this episode and more in both Catalyst and Healthy Indoors communities.
- AIHce On Demand session recordings brings the best of AIHce EXP directly to you. Choose the topic areas that best meet your education needs and get access to cutting-edge presentations through your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
- eLearning Subscriptions are a cost-effective solution for professionals, companies, and AIHA Local Sections to stay on top of the hottest topics and issues affecting the IH/OEHS profession.
Frameworks are written by appointed members and volunteers that worked collaboratively to develop guides, which outline the knowledge and skills a competent person should possess and be able to demonstrate in a specific topic or specialty.
- Technical Framework: Legionella outlines the fundamental knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to assess Legionella sources and the risk of exposure.
The Synergist
- Synergist Archives, access to The Synergist archives is a benefit of AIHA membership and will require a login.
- Risk Discourse: Framing the Problem (March 2022 issue), judging risk depends on both the situation and the individual assessing the risk.
- Worker Well-Being in the Great Resignation (April 2022 issue), a story of risks, ills and cultures.
- Potential Collaborations for Mitigating Risks in TWH and ESG (December 2022 issue), several TWH issues align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts at the local, national, and global levels.
- Synergist Blogs
- Three Thoughts on Mental Health in the Workplace
- How to Develop and Foster a Sustainable Culture of Health in Business
- Ethical Considerations for Collecting and Managing Data for Total Worker Health
- An Introduction to Total Worker Health
- Total Worker Health: How Does IH/OEHS Fit?
- Why OHS Professionals are Turning Toward Total Worker Health
- A Deep Dive into the Trends That Affect IH/OEHS
- News Roundup: NIOSH App Grabs Headlines
- What Every IH/OEHS Should Know About AIHA's Content Priorities
- Tending Our Content
- NIOSH “Workplace Solutions” Documents Address Hearing Protection, Legionella, Cold Stress
- NIOSH Evaluates Exposure to Secondhand Cannabis Smoke in Open-Air Setting
- NIOSH Expands Focus of TWH to Address Emerging Issues
- Coronavirus Research from JOEH
- NIOSH to Develop Resources on Recovery from Substance Misuse
Volunteer Groups
- Content Portfolio Advisory Group (CPAG) helps advance AIHA’s mission and values by providing input and advice to the AIHA Board and staff regarding the content AIHA provides to members and other stakeholders. Content may include documents, articles, white papers, fact sheets, publications, and more. Here you can find information on how you can contribute to the development and advocacy of AIHA content. To see current initiatives, please visit the Total Worker Health® dashboard.
- Total Worker Health® Advisory Group provides support to the AIHA Board to help focus the direction of programs and services related to Total Worker Health® (TWH). The TWH-AG) will…
- Establish working relationships with each of NIOSH’s Centers of Excellence (CoEs) for TWH to better ensure AIHA and its members are actively supporting development and dissemination of TWH resources, tools, and educational materials.
- Bring to the AIHA community a readily accessible set of curated TWH resources that have been developed by other organizations such as NIOSH and its TWH affiliates.
- Identify gaps specific to occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) science in existing TWH resources to determine how AIHA might best fill those gaps.
- Provide support for AIHA in its role as a NIOSH TWH Affiliate through designated TWH-AG representatives who participate as AIHA representatives in NIOSH TWH Affiliate meetings and calls.
- Advance AIHA’s Content Portfolio Advisory Group (CPAG) Total Worker Health content priority, keeping CPAG current with the TWH-AG’s projects and progress and ensure the content priority “Total Worker Health” is aligned with the TWH-AG’s efforts.
- Establish the processes necessary to allow AIHA’s TWH projects and resource curation to be self-sustaining.
- Establish working relationships with each of NIOSH’s Centers of Excellence (CoEs) for TWH to better ensure AIHA and its members are actively supporting development and dissemination of TWH resources, tools, and educational materials.
Total Worker Health® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Participation by AIHA does not imply endorsement by HHS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.