Channel Descriptions

Document Translations

Description: AIHA members with strong foreign language skills are invited to translate existing publications into other languages.

Target Audience: OEHS audience

Right for Me? Choose this format if you are looking to use your foreign language skills to promote effective communication in the international community of OEHS professionals.

Format Outline:

  • Existing publications are to be translated, in order of priority, into Spanish, Portuguese, and Mandarin

Submission & Approval Process Guidelines for Other Products (Document Translations)

These product proposals must first be reviewed and approved by the AIHA Board of Directors prior to their development.

Step 1:
The proposal is reviewed by AIHA staff, the leaders of the relevant volunteer group, and the volunteer group Board liaison(s).

Step 2:
Comments are compiled and are sent to the AIHA Board for review and final decision-making. Depending on the complexity of the issue, the Board may decide via e-ballot, generally within a five-business-day timeframe and requiring unanimous agreement or defer discussion until its next scheduled meeting. If a Board member recuses him or herself from the vote, this does not count against the unanimous consent provision—that is, if the remaining members are all in accord, the proposal is approved.

There are two possible outcomes of this review stage:

  • The AIHA Board approves the project. If there is no need for funding, then the volunteer group project leader may start work. If the proposal is approved and requires funding, then the volunteer group project leader will submit a funding request or work with staff to secure funds.
  • The AIHA Board disapproves of the project. In this case, the project leader can submit a new proposal that addresses, eliminates, or mitigates the Board's concerns.

Step 3: Staff communicates the decision to the project leader, proposal sponsors such as the volunteer group chair and Board liaison, and any staff who played a role in the verdict of the proposal.

Ready to submit your idea?

Please check out the AIHA University before submitting a proposal to avoid proposing a product that we already offer. You may want to contact us about product viability prior to submitting a proposal as we know our market and can help you focus your proposal.