This major group includes establishments engaged in performing any of the following operations: (1) preparation of fiber and the subsequent manufacturing of yarn, thread, braids, twine, and cordage; (2) manufacturing broadwoven fabrics, narrow woven fabrics, knit fabrics, and carpets and rugs from yarn; (3) dyeing and finishing fiber, yarn, fabrics, and knit apparel; (4) coating, waterproofing, or otherwise treating fabrics; (5) the integrated manufacture of knit apparel and other finished articles from yarn; and (6) the manufacture of felt goods, lace goods, non-woven fabrics, and miscellaneous textiles.
This classification makes no distinction between the two types of organizations that operate in the textile industry: (1) the integrated mill which purchases materials, produces textiles and related articles within the establishment, and sells the finished products; and (2) the contract or commission mill which processes materials owned by others. Converters or other nonmanufacturing establishments which assign materials to contract mills for processing, other than knitting, are classified in nonmanufacturing industries; establishments that assign yarns to outside contractors or commission knitters for the production of knit products are classified in Industry Group 225.
Textile production units include significant quality of the textile process for manufacturing that adds value in fiber. The cloth production is not an output of few stages, but it does undergo various steps. The process describing the stages of the manufacturing procedure is listed below:
- STEP1: Spinning
- STEP 2: Weaving
- STEP 3: Dyeing + Printing + Finishing
- STEP 4: Garments Manufacturing
Industry Group 221: Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton – (SIC 2211) Establishments primarily engaged in weaving fabrics more than 12 inches (30.48 centimeters) in width, wholly or chiefly by weight of cotton. Establishments primarily engaged in weaving or tufting carpet and rugs are classified in Industry 2273; those making tire cord and fabrics are classified in Industry 2296, and those engaged in finishing cotton broadwoven fabrics are classified in Industry 2261.
Industry Group 222: Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Manmade Fiber and Silk – (SIC 2221) Establishments primarily engaged in weaving fabrics more than 12 inches (30.48 centimeters) in width, wholly or chiefly by weight of silk and manmade fibers including glass. Establishments primarily engaged in finishing manmade fiber and silk broadwoven goods are classified in Industry 2262.
Industry Group 223: Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Wool (Including Dyeing and Finishing) – (SIC 2231) Establishments primarily engaged in weaving fabrics more than 12 inches (30.48 centimeters) in width, wholly or chiefly by weight of wool, mohair, or similar animal fibers; dyeing and finishing all woven wool fabrics or dyeing wool, tops, or yarn; and those shrinking and sponging wool goods for the trade.
Industry Group 224: Narrow Fabric and Other Smallwares Mills, Cotton, Wool, Silk, and Manmade Fiber – (SIC 2241) Establishments primarily engaged in weaving or braiding narrow fabrics of cotton, wool, silks, and manmade fibers, including glass fibers. These fabrics are generally 12 inches or less in width in their final form but may be made initially in wider widths that are specially constructed for cutting to narrower widths. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in producing fabric-covered elastic yarn or thread.
Industry Group 225: Knitting Mills – (SIC 2251) Women's Full-Length and Knee-Length Hosiery, Except Socks are establishments primarily engaged in knitting, dyeing, or finishing women's and misses' full-length and knee-length hosiery (except socks) both seamless and full-fashion, and pantyhose. Establishments primarily engaged in knitting, dyeing, or finishing women's and misses' knee-length socks and anklets are classified in Industry 2252. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing elastic (orthopedic) hosiery are classified in Industry 3842. (SIC 2252) Hosiery, Not Elsewhere Classified are establishments primarily engaged in knitting, dyeing, or finishing hosiery, not elsewhere classified. (SIC 2253) Knit Outerwear Mills are establishments primarily engaged in knitting outerwear from yarn or in manufacturing outerwear from knit fabrics produced in the same establishment. Establishments primarily engaged in hand knitting outerwear for the trade are included in this industry. Establishments primarily engaged in knitting gloves and mittens are classified in Industry 2259, and those manufacturing outerwear from purchased knit fabrics are classified in Major Group 23. (SIC 2254) Knit Underwear and Nightwear Mills are establishments primarily engaged in knitting underwear and nightwear from yarn or in manufacturing underwear and nightwear from knit fabrics produced in the same establishment. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing underwear and nightwear from purchased knit fabrics are classified in Major Group 23. Establishments primarily engaged in knitting robes are classified in Industry 2253. (SIC 2257) Weft Knit Fabric Mills are establishments primarily engaged in knitting weft (circular) fabrics or in dyeing or finishing weft (circular) knit fabrics. (SIC 2258) Lace and Warp Knit Fabric Mills are establishments primarily engaged in knitting, dyeing, or finishing warp (flat) knit fabrics, or in manufacturing, dyeing, or finishing lace goods. (SIC 2259) Knitting Mills, Not Elsewhere Classified are establishments primarily engaged in knitting gloves and other articles, not elsewhere classified. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing woven or knit fabric gloves and mittens from purchased fabrics are classified in Industry 2381.
Industry Group 226: Dyeing and Finishing Textiles, Except Wool Fabrics – (SIC 2261) Finishers of Broadwoven Fabrics of Cotton are establishments primarily engaged in finishing purchased cotton broadwoven fabrics, or finishing such fabrics, on a commission basis. These finishing operations include bleaching, dyeing, printing (roller, screen, flock, plisse), and other mechanical finishing, such as preshrinking, calendering, and napping. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in shrinking and sponging of cotton broadwoven fabrics for the trade and chemical finishing for water repellency, fire resistance, and mildew proofing. Establishments primarily engaged in finishing wool broadwoven fabrics are classified in Industry 2231; those finishing knit goods are classified in Industry Group 225, and those coating or impregnating fabrics are classified in Industry 2295. (SIC 2262) Finishers of Broadwoven Fabrics of Manmade Fiber and Silk are establishments primarily engaged in finishing purchased manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics or finishing such fabrics on a commission basis. These finishing operations include bleaching, dyeing, printing (roller, screen, flock, plisse), and other mechanical finishing, such as preshrinking, calendering, and napping. (SIC 2269) Finishers of Textiles, Not elsewhere Classified are establishments primarily engaged in dyeing and finishing textiles, not elsewhere classified, such as bleaching, dyeing, printing, and finishing of raw stock, yarn, braided goods, and narrow fabrics, except wool and knit fabrics. These establishments perform finishing operations on purchased textiles or on a commission basis.
Industry Group 227: Carpets and Rugs – (SIC 2273) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing woven, tufted, and other carpets and rugs, such as art squares, floor mattings, needle punch carpeting, and doormats and mattings, from textile materials or from twisted paper, grasses, reeds, coir, sisal, jute, or rags.
Industry Group 228: Yarn and Thread Mills – (SIC 2281) Yarn Spinning Mills are establishments primarily engaged in spinning yarn wholly or chiefly by weight of cotton, manmade fibers, silk, wool, mohair, or similar animal fibers. Establishments primarily engaged in dyeing or finishing purchased yarns or finishing yarns on a commission basis are classified in Industry 2231 if the yarns are of wool and in Industry 2269 if they are of other fibers. Establishments primarily engaged in producing specialty yarns or producing spun yarns of other fibers are classified in Industry 2299. (SIC 2282) Yarn Texturizing, Throwing, Twisting, and Winding Mills are establishments primarily engaged in texturizing, throwing, twisting, winding, or spooling purchased yarns or manmade fiber filaments wholly or chiefly by weight of cotton, manmade fibers, silk, or wool, mohair, or similar animal fibers, or in performing such activities on a commission basis. Establishments primarily engaged in producing and texturizing manmade fiber filaments and yarns in the same plant are classified in Industries 2823 or 2824. (SIC 2284) Thread Mills are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing thread of cotton, silk, manmade fibers, wool, or similar animal fibers. Important products of this industry include sewing, crochet, darning, embroidery, tatting, hand-knitting, and other handicraft threads. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing thread of flax, hemp, and ramie are classified in Industry 2299.
Industry Group 229: Miscellaneous Textile Goods – (SIC 2295) Coated Fabrics, Not Rubberized are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing coated, impregnated, or laminated textiles, and in the special finishing of textiles, such as varnishing and waxing. Establishments primarily engaged in rubberizing purchased fabrics are classified in Industry 3069, and those engaged in dyeing and finishing textiles are classified in Industry Group 226 or Industry 2231. (SIC 2296) Tire Cord and Fabrics are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing cord and fabric of manmade fibers, cotton, glass, steel, or other materials for use in reinforcing rubber tires, industrial belting, fuel cells, and similar uses. (SIC 2297) Non-woven Fabrics are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing non-woven fabrics (by bonding and/or interlocking of fibers) by mechanical, chemical, thermal, or solvent means, or by combinations thereof. Establishments primarily engaged in producing woven felts are classified in Industry 2231, and those producing other felts are classified in Industry 2299. (SIC 2298) Cordage and Twine are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing rope, cable, cordage, twine, and related products from abaca (Manila), sisal, henequen, hemp, cotton, paper, jute, flax, manmade fibers including glass, and other fibers. (SIC 2299) Textile goods, Not Elsewhere Classified are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing textile goods, not elsewhere classified, including linen goods, jute goods, felt goods, padding and upholstery filling and processed waste and recovered fibers and flock. Establishments primarily engaged in processing textile fibers to prepare them for spinning, such as wool scouring, carbonizing, combing, and converting tow to top, are also classified here. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing woven wool felts and wool haircloth are classified in Industry 2231, and those manufacturing needle punch carpeting are classified in Industry 2273. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing embroideries are classified in Industry Group 239. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing lace goods are classified in Industry 2258. Establishments primarily engaged in sorting wiping rags or waste are classified in Wholesale Trade, Industry 5093.
Note: The following table represents only the potential occupational health concerns related to the entire textile mills products industries based on a job task or work activity, and any related OSHA standards for regulatory compliance. The information presented does not indicate or suggest a relative risk of exposure based on the location within the table nor provides any exposure information. Health risks associated with fatigue, working long hours, and other psychosocial disorders are not addressed.
The focus of this information is to provide guidance to understand the occupational health hazards from chemical substances, physical and biological agents, radiological, ergonomic, and environmental hazards from exposure to plants and animals. Potential occupational health exposures in this industry were contrived from the OSHA Integrated Management Information System database between 1984 to 2020. Additional information was obtained from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Health Hazard Evaluations performed by request of employee representatives and organizations from 1978 to 2020.
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Worker Exposure Profiles in Textile Mill Products
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