Recorded at AIHce EXP 2021

This class will provide a process for 1) responsible management of nano and advanced materials; 2) anticipating where nano and advanced materials (3D printing) may be in the workplace; 3) recognizing the potential for occupational exposures; 4) evaluating exposures using a variety of sampling equipment; and, 5) controlling exposures based on prevention through design.

Course outline

  • Introduction to Nano and Advanced Materials
  • Exposure Assessment for Engineered Nanomaterials
  • Health and Safety Considerations
  • Sampling Recommendations
  • Controls for 3D Printing
  • Risk Management
  • Application of Prevention through Design Principles

Course outcomes

Upon completion, students will be able to:

  • Assess a workplace for nano and advanced materials (including 3D printing).
  • Choose what types of IH samples should be collected.
  • Develop a sampling plan.
  • Determine if controls are adequate.
  • Apply the hierarchy of controls to nano and advanced materials exposures.


Participants should have a basic understanding of what constitutes an engineered nanomaterial, 3D printing, industrial hygiene sampling techniques, and the hierarchy of controls.

Time to complete

Participants will have 90 days from the date of purchase to view the session recordings and submit the online evaluation for credit.


Have questions or need additional information? Contact us.


Laura Hodson

Laura Hodson is the Coordinator of NIOSH's Nanotechnology Research Center, and Deputy Branch Chief of the Emerging Technologies Branch. She is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and a Fellow of the American Industrial Hygiene Association. She is a member of the AIHA Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Working Group. She received her MSPH in Industrial Hygiene from UNC-Chapel Hill.

LCDR Kevin Dunn, M.S., CIH

Lieutenant Commander Kevin Dunn is an environmental health officer in the United States Public Health Service, and an Industrial Hygienist with CDC/NIOSH. He is currently the Advanced Materials and Emerging Technologies Field Studies Team Leader, and the Exposure Assessment Critical Area Coordinator for the NIOSH Nanotechnology Research Center. He received his M.S. in Environmental Health and Industrial Hygiene from the University of Cincinnati, and is a Certified Industrial Hygienist.

LCDR Adrienne Eastlake, M.S., REHS

Adrienne Eastlake is a Lieutenant Commander with the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. She currently works as an Industrial Hygienist in the Emerging Technologies Branch at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Cincinnati, Ohio. LCDR Eastlake provides guidance to the health and safety community through research, document development, publications, exhibits, presentations, and delivery of professional development courses. She has conducted exposure assessments at to a variety of workplace facilities to gain a better understanding of the processes, tasks, possible exposures, and controls that are being used. In addition, LCDR Eastlake serves as the Co-coordinator for the NIOSH Wholesale and Retail Trade program and National Occupational Research Agenda Wholesale and Retail Trade sector council. LCDR Eastlake received a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources and Allied Medicine from the Ohio State University and a Master of Science in Industrial Hygiene from the University of Cincinnati. She is certified by the National Environmental Health Association as a Registered Environmental Health Specialist and the American Society of Clinical Pathologists as a Medical Technologist.