This self-study course discusses the application of traditional industrial hygiene controls in the workplace and is based on 60 case studies. Most of the case studies involve the application of engineering and administrative controls and cover both industrial and IAQ-type problems. It also contains calculations in spreadsheet format to aid in calculations found in the seven student lessons.

Students will read each case study, work through sample calculations and practical exercises in the workbook, complete a Learning Activity and a short Lesson Test.

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Participants should have a basic knowledge of algebra and industrial hygiene. It would also be advantageous to have completed AIHA's EIH I: Elemental Industrial Hygiene​ eLearning Course.

Course Outline

Lesson 1: Risk assessment, general control approaches, lab safety, problem characterizations, semiconductor ventilation.

Lesson 2: Risk assessment, ventilation approaches, dilution ventilation, management controls, IAQ, ASHRAE 52.2 on filtration, noise control.

Lesson 3: IAQ controls, fans, noise control, duct cleaning, standards, dilution ventilation, risk assessment, physical health hazards control, hood design.

Lesson 4: Risk assessment, dilution ventilation, local exhaust ventilation, OSHA compliance, IAQ controls.

Lesson 5: General controls, permitting, IAQ, radon gas control, ETS control, recirculation of exhaust air, standards.

Lesson 6: General assessments and application of controls, makeup air, lab ventilation, hood selection, dilution ventilation, ETS controls, protection factors, VDT controls.

Lesson 7: Hood troubleshooting, IAQ, advanced hood design, ionizing radiation, VP method for design, Exposure assessment, accident reconstruction, odor controls.​

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, students will be able to:

  • Id​entify critical air, emission sources, indoor contaminants and employee behaviors that contribute to occupational health hazards.
  • Determine appropriate IH controls such as dilution and local exhaust ventilation, administrative controls, respiratory protection, substitution, isolation and so forth.
  • Apply engine​ering and other types of controls to common IH problems.
  • Use the A​utocalc approach to solving math problems.

Who Will Benefit

  • Industr​ial hygienists
  • Safety prof​essionals
  • Eng​ineers
  • EH&S speci​alists
  • Health progr​am managers ​

Time to Com​plete

This course will take about 40 hours to complete. You will have up to 12 months from your purchase date to complete the course.

Webcourse Materials

Ma​terials are accessible and downloadable via the course Online Community (registrant-access only).

  • Course​ Lesson Presentations (PPT)
  • Case studies W​orkbook (PDF)
  • Student Lesso​n Guide (PDF),
  • AutoCalc spre​adsheet/worksheets
  • Final Exam & Evalu​ation


D. Jeff Burton, MS, PE, (former CSP and CIH, VS), has degrees in ME and EHS. An internationally-known engineering consultant and the author of popular books, training courses, and self-directed study programs, Jeff has served as President of the AIHA. He is also a member of ACGIH, ASSE and ASHRAE. He is Chair of ANSI Z9.2 (Industrial Ventilation) and ANSI Z9.10 (Dilution Ventilation). He also serves on the adjunct faculty of the RMCOEH at SLC, Utah.


Have questions or need additional information? Contact us.