Recorded in November 2020, this PDC will help learners develop the skills they need to interact with ERM and non-EHS/OHS risk management professionals in their organizations. Risk is a ubiquitous part of life and work. Decision making in managing risk is rife with complexity, tension, and paradox, which arise from this arena's ethical considerations, values-dependent and subjective nature. Depending upon the context and the who or what, a risk may be acceptable or not for the workers, public, board room, or news media. Decision making is emphasized because of its central role in risk management and the success of risk outcomes through advances in cognitive and organizational science.

This PDC will: a) challenge participants to expand their risk perspectives and skills to effectively navigate more complex and interconnected risk profiles; b) present key ERM (COSO, 2017) distinctions applied to IH/OHS practice; c) examine the oft overlooked dynamics between risk appetite, tolerance, and transfer; and e) use games (Jeopardy and Bingo), case studies, and exercises to strengthen risk-related decision-making skills (individual, organizational). Emphasis is given to identifying and closing gaps between participant skill levels and organizational needs and expectations. This course is based on a chapter in "Patty's Industrial Hygiene, 7th Edition (2020)" written by the instructors. COSO's ERM (2017) framework will be emphasized, along with ISO 31000 (risk management).

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Decision Science
  • Developing a Richer Vocabulary
  • The Human Operating System in Decision Making
  • Evolution in Risk Thinking
  • Decision-Making Currency
  • Structured Decision Making
  • Decision Making in Organizational Risk Management Frameworks
  • Improving Decision Making Skills

Course Outcomes

Upon completion, the participant will be able to:

  • Describe the multifaceted nature of risk and how it impacts them and their organization.
  • Identify an expanded risk profile related to their jobs/engagements/activities.
  • Demonstrate their risk-related decision-making skills.
  • Identify their biases in risk thinking and judgment.
  • Outline ways to improve risk-related skills, and their organization's risk decision making.
  • Evaluate how to close gaps between their decision-making skills and organizational needs/expectations.
  • Implement immediate improvements in risk decision making and management.

Who will benefit

Those tasked to work with ERM and non-EHS/OHS risk management professionals on risk management.

Time to complete

Participants will have 90 days from the date of purchase to view the session recordings and submit the online evaluation for credit.


Have questions or need additional information? Contact us.​​​​


Charles Redinger, PhD, MPA, CIH, Redinger 360, Inc., Harvard, MA

Dr. Redinger is a recognized thought leader in environmental health and safety risk management, performance measurement, and management systems. He has over 35 years of experience in providing innovative and transformative solutions to a wide range of public- and private-sector organizations. His models and tools are used throughout the world by regulators, standards developers, researchers, and private organizations. Dr. Redinger has received numerous awards, including the Warren Cook Award from the University of Michigan School of Public Health and AIHA's Edward Baier Award. He has served as an adjunct professor at Tulane University School of Public Health, and writes and teaches extensively. He has a Ph.D. in industrial health from the University of Michigan, and an MPA in public policy from the University of Colorado. He received a post-doctoral certificate in strategy and innovation from the MIT Sloan School of Management and is an active participant in the Society for Organizational Learning. He has served in numerous leadership positions at AIHA including six years on its Board of Directors. Dr. Redinger has served on the CDC/NIOSH Board of Scientific Counselors (2016-2019). In 2017, he founded the Institute for Advanced Risk Management, and serves as its Executive Director.

Glenn Barbi, MPH, CIH (Emeritus), Becton Dickinson, Emeritus, Hillsdale, NJ

Mr. Barbi spent much of his career at Becton Dickinson at their Franklin Lakes global headquarters. He served in numerous capacities, including Chief Ethics Officer, and Director of EHS/S. At the time of his retirement, he was the Vice President of Global Sustainability. Mr. Barbi has been active in AIHA's ethics-development efforts. He is active in numerous committees, including management, and, sustainability/product stewardship. Mr. Barbi is now a CIH Emeritus.

Fred Boelter, CIH, PE, BCEE, FAIHA, RHP Risk Management Inc., Boise, ID

Mr. Boelter is a preeminent thought leader and educator in risk management and occupational health. He has over 45 years of experience in industrial hygiene, environmental engineering and risk management. He is a certified industrial hygienist, a licensed professional engineer, and a board-certified environmental engineer. He is a Fellow of the American Industrial Hygiene Association and a recipient of the Edward J. Baier Technical Achievement Award, the Henry F. Smyth, Jr. Award, and the Donald E. Cummings Memorial Award. He was trained as an Environmental Engineer at Purdue University. Mr. Boelter has expertise and extensive experience in defining, analyzing, characterizing, assessing, communicating and managing occupational and non-occupational unacceptable risks to human health and the environment. He has consulted with agencies, industry, unions, and attorneys on the feasibility of implementing control technologies, biological and physical agents. During his career with USDOL-OSHA he conducted general schedule, complaint, and compliance inspections of the regulated communities.

Mary O'Reilly, PhD, FAIHA, ARLS Consultants/SUNY School of Public Health at Albany and Workplace Health Without Borders, Manlius, NY

Dr. O'Reilly received her doctorate in Human Anatomy and Cell Biology from the University of Michigan and is a certified industrial hygienist and a certified professional ergonomist. She performed quantitative human risk assessments for the US EPA as an environmental toxicologist at Syracuse Research Corporation, is on the faculty of the SUNY School of Public Health and president of ARLS Consultants. She is a founding member of both WHWB (Workplace Health Without Borders) and WHWB-US. Mary has been a member of the AIHA Risk Assessment Committee since its inception in 1995 (chair, 2000), and is currently past chair of the Occupational Health and Safety Specialty Group at the Society for Risk Analysis. She is a contributing author to "Human Risk Assessment and Decision Making" in the forthcoming edition of "Patty's Industrial Hygiene". She currently serves as secretary elect for the Product Stewardship and Sustainability Committee. Mary is a Fellow of the American Industrial Hygiene Association and the recipient of the AIHA 2016 Alice Hamilton Award.