This self-study course is designed to guide the student through a series of lessons on laboratory quality management system and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures.

Participants will learn the basic elements required for an effective laboratory quality program and what is required to implement a QA/QC program system that is compliant with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and the requirements of accreditation bodies like AIHA Laboratory Accreditation Programs (AIHA LAP, LLC).

The information presented will assist participants in applying the QA/QC procedures to each phase of data production. from preparation for sample collection through receipt of a final report, in order to reduce or eliminate errors in the process. The course also includes information for ongoing evaluation of laboratory QA/QC programs that help ensure continued improvement in the program. ​

Those laboratories seeking accreditation should be certain to review all current requirements of the accreditation body prior to applying for accreditation since requirements may change.


A basic knowledge of laboratory analytical procedures and an introduction to statistics or mathematics. ​

Course Ou​tline

  1. Laboratory Quality Management System
  2. General Requirements and Structural Requirements
  3. Resource Requirements: General, Personnel, Facilities and Environmental Conditions, and Equipment
  4. Resource Requirements: Metrological Traceability and Externally Provided Products and Services.
  5. Process Requirements: Review of Requests, Tenders and Contracts and Selection, Verification, and Validation of Methods
  6. Process Requirements: Sampling, Handling of Test or Calibration Items, and Technical Records
  7. Elementary Statistics
  8. Process Requirements: Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty, Ensuring the Validity of Results, and Reporting of Results
  9. Process Requirements: Complaints, Nonconforming Work and Control of Data and Information Management
  10. Management System Requirements: Options, Management System Documentation, Control of Management System Documents, and Control of Records
  11. Management System Requirements: Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities, Improvement, and Corrective Actions
  12. Management System Requirements: Internal Audits and Management Reviews

Purchasing 10 or more copies? Check out our bulk pricing.

Who Will​ Benefit

  • Industrial hygienists
  • Laboratory bench chemists
  • Laboratory quality staff
  • Laboratory management

Learning ​Outcomes

Upon completion, students will be able to:

  • Explore the concepts of quality assurance and quality control
  • Describe basic elements required for an effective laboratory quality program
  • Determine requirements to implement and evaluate a QA/QC program
  • Identify requirements for laboratory accreditation
  • Discuss how defined principles affect analytical data

Time to Complete

This course will take approximately 40 hours to complete. Students will have up to 6 months from their date of purchase to complete it.

Webcourse Materials

Course ma​terials are accessible and downloadable via the course Online Community (registrant-access only). No hardcopy materials are mailed for this course.

To successfully receive credit for this course in the online classroom, participants work through the self-study materials and pass an assessment.


Have questions or need additional information? Contact us.