Member $295/Non-Member $395/Student $295
Learn the fundamental principles of risk assessment, including tools you can use to perform simplified analyses for different occupational and environmental health risks. All OEHS professionals encounter some form of risk assessment. This course will familiarize newcomers to the subject with historical concepts of risk, an introduction of selected risk assessment frameworks, and some simple tools for formulating problems, performing analyses, and communicating risk results.
Basic processes in risk identification, evaluation, and analysis will be introduced along with specific terminology used for these processes by various authorities, including ISO, ANSI, U.S. National Research Council (NRC), and U.S. agencies such as EPA and OSHA. We will also discuss the role of risk communication in effectively linking risk assessment with risk management outcomes.
You will be provided with tools built-in MS Excel to familiarize yourself with the processes of scoping and planning, problem formulation and scenario development, and exercises in conducting hazard and exposure assessments for selected case studies.
Case studies will include occupational and environmental exposure examples and showcase the use of select exposure assessment tools including AIHA’s IHMOD.
Purchasing 10 or more copies? Check out our bulk pricing.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion, students will be able to:
- Understand the evolution of risk concepts in modern society.
- Understand the principles and terminology of international risk assessment frameworks.
- Apply simple risk assessment tools to case study problems.
- Understand the importance of risk communication in making risk assessment effective.
- Be prepared to use the IH risk assessment model
Time to Complete
This course will take 4 hours to complete. You will have up to 90 days from your purchase date to complete your review of the recording.
John Arthur Lowe, CIH
Have questions or need additional information? Contact us.