AIHA and the IH/OEHS Community: Your Role in Consensus Standards Webinar Recording

Date: Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023 - Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (EST)
Event Type: Webinars, AIHA Webinars

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Consensus standards are critical tools for the industrial hygienist. They are a collaborative effort to maintain a baseline in protecting workers and the community from health and safety hazards. In 2011, AIHA changed course on consensus standards involvement, from being a Standards Developing Organization (SDO) itself to representing the interests of the industrial hygiene profession on standards developed by other SDOs. This webinar will review the progress made on this new course, the lessons that have been learned, and further changes that are necessary to ensure the continued relevance of AIHA and its members in the consensus building process. The webinar is being presented by members of the AIHA Standards Advisory Panel, and the audience will be invited to provide input to future AIHA standards activities.

Learning Objectives

After this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Explain why consensus standards are important to an industrial hygienist
  • Describe AIHA's involvement in the consensus standards development process
  • Suggest possible paths forward for AIHA regarding standards
  • Determine their own career development interest and objectives regarding standards


    John Suter

    John Suter is a safety professional with over 35 years of experience assisting companies in improving their safety performance. John is Chair of AIHA's Standards Advisory Panel, and a member of ASTM Subcommittee F23.65 on Respiratory Protection and the ASSP committee developing ANSI/ASSP Z590.7, Technical Report on Total Worker Health. John is also a member of the AIHA Total Exposure Health/Total Worker Health Advisory Group. John is currently serving as President-Elect of the ASSP Philadelphia Chapter, and Assistant Administrator of the ASSP Consultants Practice Specialty. He is also a member of the New Jersey State Industrial Safety Committee. He is owner and principal of Assured Health and Safety Solutions in Marlton, NJ, specializing in industrial hygiene, ergonomics, machine safety and safety management. John has a Master's degree in Safety Management from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rutgers University.

    Thomas Slavin, CIH, CSP, CSHM

    Thomas Slavin is a Consulting Industrial Hygienist with more than 40 years of experience in health and safety. He joined Cardno ChemRisk, now Stantec, after retiring as Global Safety and Health Director for Navistar, Inc. Tom is a certified safety professional (CSP), certified industrial hygienist (CIH), certified safety and health manager (CSHM) and certified professional environmental auditor (CPEA). He has been awarded the AFS Childress Loebler Award and has been named fellow by both ASTM and the American Industrial Hygiene Association.

    Mark Drozdov, SSM, RSO, CAI, CMA, GPRO

    Mark Drozdov has dedicated his career to Best Management Practices and the Subject Matter Expert (SME) in Environmental Health & Safety + Sustainability (EHS+S) Standards. With over 30 years of Industry Experience, he has been instrumental in numerous projects successes and effective in design and implementation of such initiatives as Corporate and Project Oversight and Audits, Environmental Management Plans (EMP), Storm Water Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Prevention through Design (PtD) techniques. Mark is a trusted advisor for many major public and private sector clients, and has served as University Professor at several universities. Mark is a designated ANSI Expert to ISO for the development and updates of EHS+S and Risk Standards. He was the US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Participant in the first International Occupational Safety and Health Management System (ISO 45001). He is a Certified Lead Auditor ISO 19011, 14001, 45001 (EMS) (OSH MS). His experience includes HazMat Testing and Remediation Engineering, Industrial Hygiene, Risk Assessment, Hazards Identification, Regulatory Compliance, Certification Training and Litigation-Support Expertise.