Welding Field Guide 2nd Edition: Updates and Control Banding Strategies Webinar Recording

Date: Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022 - Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (EDT)
Event Type: Webinars, AIHA Webinars

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AIHA’s Welding Health & Safety Guide is in its second edition, full of updated information and resources to stay current on worker health and safety. This guide is essential to understanding welding processes for health and safety professionals to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control welding hazards.

Presenters Mike Harris and Angela Wheeler will review what’s new in this edition, including information about local exhaust ventilation (LEV), similar exposure groups (SEGs) in exposure monitoring, and control banding. The presenters will also discuss the impact of recategorization of welding fumes as an IARC Group 1 carcinogen.

Learning Objectives

After this webinar, participants will have an updated understanding of:

  • the application of similar exposure groups (SEGs);
  • the correct use of local exhaust ventilation (LEV);
  • control band strategies for welding.

Participants will have the option to purchase the guide along with a checklist and additional resources for development of control banding.


Mike Harris

Mike Harris, PhD, CIH is President of Hamlin & Harris and the author of "Welding Health and Safety: A Field Guide for the OEHS Professional" with Mike Phibbs. His welding experience includes teaching aircraft welding at the US Army Transportation School and practical experience welding environment test equipment, aircraft drop tanks and pressure vessels for nuclear submarines. Mike is a Fellow of AIHA and the 2014 recipient of the Donald E Cummings award.

Angela Wheeler

Angela Wheeler is a CIH, CRSP and SDS Registered Author with 20 years of EHS experience in various industries in Canada and the U.S. As the Program Manager for the CHAMP software at Chemscape Safety Technologies, she works with clients to efficiently generate risk assessments according to hazard and control banding principles.